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Club penguin kitap ve oyuncaklarından alınca içinden şifre çıkıyor.Bu şifreyi oraya girince kitap para i pod vs... çıkıyor bunların birkaçını çözdüm:


The Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin :

Q: What is the word on page 9?
A: Sometimes

Q: What is the word on page 35?
A: Misses

Q: What is the word on page 38?
A: Scavenger

Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Examples

Q: What is the word on page 62?
A: Picture

Q: What is the word on page 63?
A: How

Q: What is the word on page 64?
A: Fishing

Q: What is the word on page 65?
A: Storage

Q: What is the word on page 73?
A: Search

Q: What is the word on page 75?
A: Tossing

Q: What is the word on page 77?
A: Buying

Q: What is the word on page 101?
A: Donated

Q: What is the word on page 117?
A: Jerseys

Q: What is the word on page 118?
A: Squads

Q: What is the word on page 140?
A: Breeze

Q: What is the word on page 141?
A: Combined

Q: What is the word on page 143?
A: Secret

Q: What is the word on page 155?
A: Queen

Q: What is the word on page 156?
A: Small

Q: What is the word on page 169?
A: Start

Q: What is the word on page 171?
A: Annual

Q: What is the word on page 175?
A: Crown

Q: What is the word on page 176?
A: Item

Q: What is the word on page 179?
A: Penguins

Q: What is the word on page 182?
A: Actions
Club Penguin Stowaway:

Q: What is the word on page 6?
A: Mysterious

Q: What is the word on page 40?
A: Waterfall

Q: What is the word on page 53?
A: Deck

Q: What is the word on page 80?
A: Penguin

The Inventor’s Apprentice:
Q: What word is on page 5, 5 words from the left on line 10?
A: Good

Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 3?
A: Board

Q: What word is on page 6, 5 words from the left on line 17?
A: Plans

Q: What word is on page 6, 7 words from the left on line 14?
A: Extreme

Q: What word is on page 7, 2 words from the left on line 12?
A: Find

Q: What word is on page 7, 7 words from the left on line 17?
A: Where

Q: What word is on page 8, 7 words from the left on line 4?
A: Round
Secret Agent Handbook:Q: What word is on page 5, 6 words from the left on line 9?
A: Give

Q: What word is on page 5, 3 words from the left on line 5?
A: Fashions

Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 18?
A: Decides

Q: What word is on page 5, 4 words from the left on line 2?
A: Matter

Star Reporter: 

Q. What word is on page 6, 5 words from the left on line 5?
A. Printed

Q. What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 12?
A. Staff

Official Stage Playbook: 

Q. What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left on line 14?
A. Flipper

Q. What word is on page 3, 2 words from the left of line 12?
A. Acting

Q. What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left of line 3?
A. Bright

Q. What word is on page 3, 7 words from the left on line 5?
A. Show

 The Great Puffle Switch:

Q: What is the word on page 26, 10 words from the left on line 8?
A: Bubble

Q: What is the word on page 33, 10 words from the left on line 18?

A: Puffle

Q: What is the word on page 43, 2 words from the left on line 5?
A: Snowballs

Q: What is the word on page 76, 5 words from the left on line 8?
A: Will

kayma oynunda 1.olma 
çok eski bir hiledir oyun oynarken biraz oynuyoruz sonra kaptıyoruz bu kadarr fakat para kazanmıyoruz her hilenin kötü yanı vardır xD

Astro Barier Hilesi:

Astro Barier:

Oyun açılırken yani Play'e basmadan önce: 
1 numaraya bas:10. bölüme gidersin. 2 numaraya bas:20. bölüme gidersin. 3 numaraya bas:30. bölüme gidersin. 

Not:Astro Barrierde 10.bölümden sonra turuncu kutuya ateş edin ve 25 saniye bekleyin.Sonra çıkan mavi gölgeye ateş edin ve gizli Level'lere gidin.

Tour soruları ve cevapları:
S:How do you get a pin?
C: Walk on top of it
S: What is the name of Captain Rockhopper's ship? 
C: The Migrator
S: What is name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?
C: Mullet 
S: What item is always hidden in a different place in clothing catalog every month? 
C: The Viking Helmet
S: What item is twrown out of the truck in Level 4 of Bean Counters? 
C: A flower pot 
S: Which of these games has a shark int it? 
C: Jet Pack 
S: Which room has a cuckoo clock?
C: Ski Lodge
S: How does the pink puffle play? 
C: Skips with a skipping rope 
S: Which of these rooms doesn't have music playing in the background? 
C: Pet Shop 
S: Whic color of puffle can catch on fire? 
C: Black 
S: In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
C: Boiler Room 
S: How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background? 
C: 60 
S: What day does the newspaper come out? 
C: Thursday
S: Which of these rooms does not have a game in it? 
C: Beach 
S:How many Sled Racing tracks are there? 
C: 4

Dondurma Yapmak: 
Mavi Önlük (Dondurma Önlüğü) nü Giyip Dans Edince Çilekli Dondurma Yapıyor!

1-Öncelikle giriş yapın

2-Eski ajan telefonuna basın.

3-Gelen mesajda ''Go There'' yazan yere basın.

4-Başka bir odaya gidiceksiniz.

5-Çalan telefona basın.

6-Telefona bastıktan sonra bir yer çıkıcak oraya kar topu atın.

7-Sonra yeşil kareye Gidin.

8-Ordan da koşabildiğiniz kadar hızlı şakilde koşarak kırmızı kareye gidin.

9-Sonra 20 saniye içinde kameraların sizi göremiyeceği bir yere saklanın.

10-Asansöre binin.

11-Girdiğinizde karşınıza çıkan mesaja ''okay''yazan yere basarak cevap verin.